| DOE-HDBK-1003-96
Fundamentals training is designed to provide the trainee with the knowledge necessary to
understand maintenance concepts and successfully apply them to the job. Subjects include:
Classical physics
Electrical science
Instrumentation and control
Principles of radiation detection
Basic atomic and nuclear physics
Heat transfer and fluid flow
Properties of materials
Reactor protection.
Actual course content should take into account personnel entry-level requirements as well as job
analysis results. Matrices developed from commercial utility, industry-wide job and task analyses,
and modules which indicate the necessary level of knowledge for the various maintenance
disciplines are included in this Appendix.
C.1 Fundamentals Matrices
The following matrices show the applicability of topics to the various maintenance disciplines, and
modules A and B indicate the necessary level of knowledge and performance. The matrices can be
changed to reflect facility structure and responsibility assignments.
C.1.1 Module A
Instruction should enable the trainee to explain the terms, units, definitions and basic concepts to
support subsequent training.
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