| DOE-HDBK-1003-96
E.6 Control Elements
E.6.1 Module A
Instruction should enable the trainee to perform the following:
Identify types of equipment
Identify appropriate engineering drawing symbols
Explain the purpose and use of equipment.
E.6.2 Module B
In addition to the items listed in Module A, instruction should enable the trainee to perform
the following:
Describe the major differences in equipment types
Identify the major parts
Explain the principles of operation
Identify position indications.
E.6.3 Module C
In addition to the items listed in Modules A and B, instruction should enable the trainee to
identify the following:
Indications of normal and abnormal equipment performance during
troubleshooting and testing
Probable cause of abnormal indications
Abnormal conditions that preclude safe work in the vicinity of equipment.
E.6.4 Module D
In addition to the items listed in Modules A, B, and C, instruction should enable the trainee
to explain the proper use of applicable lubricants.
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