| DOE-HDBK-1003-96
G.2 Mechanical
Instruction should enable the trainee to perform the following tasks:
Close tolerance machining
Control rod drive mechanism overhaul and repair
Control rod drive mechanism seal removal and replacement
Crane inspections, maintenance, repair, and operation
Emergency diesel overhaul
Freeze sealing techniques
Reactor coolant pump mechanical seal replacement
Recirculation pump mechanical seal replacement
Reactor cavity seal installation and removal
Reactor pressure vessel stud tensioners - installation and use
Reactor vessel head disassembly and reassembly
Rigging equipment selection, inspection, and use
Scaffolding installation, inspection, and removal
Scavenging air blower overhaul
Silver plating, electroplating
Welding (electric arc)
Welding (gas)
Welding (inert gas)
Metal spray welding.
G.3 Instrumentation and Control
Instruction should enable the trainee to perform the following tasks:
Analytical equipment troubleshooting and repair
Computer troubleshooting and repair
Feedwater pump control troubleshooting and repair
Nuclear instrumentation system troubleshooting and repair
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