| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1074-95
The goal of all training programs is to prepare personnel to safely and
efficiently operate in accordance with established requirements.
A training evaluation program should be implemented at every nuclear facility
to determine the program's effectiveness of meeting trainee and management
needs. Training activities, employee performance, and subcontractor training
should be evaluated on a regular basis to determine the effectiveness of
training. Changes to the training program that result from the evaluation
process should be approved and documented.
Detail in documentation of evaluation can reasonably vary from facility to
facility. Post-training evaluation at a low-hazard facility may only require
brief interviews with recently qualified job incumbents and their supervisors.
Documentation by memorandum to the respective line manager that
describes evaluation results and any necessary corrective actions is
sufficient. At a high-hazard facility, evaluation may require survey forms or
questionnaires from newly-qualified job incumbents and their supervisors.
Documentation in this case may include entry of corrective actions into a
tracking system, plans and status of training improvements, and approval of
all revised training materials. Evaluation activities should be commensurate
with the hazard potential, risk, and complexity of job performance.
Methods of Evaluation
There are a number of evaluation activities that provide information about the
effectiveness of a training program. Common techniques include:
In-training evaluations (examinations).
Training delivery evaluations.
Post-training evaluations.
Change actions (e.g., job-scope changes, procedure changes,
equipment changes, facility modifications, etc.).
Facility and industry operating experience evaluations.
Comprehensive training program evaluations.
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