| ![]() Day Before Seminar:
What to say during Introductions? The Introduction lesson begins with a
series of short (1 min. each) introductions:
The Coordinator introduces a manager from the operating organization
that needs the task list
The Coordinator introduces you as the Instructor/Facilitator for this
You introduce yourself
We recommend that you confirm the introductions with the Coordinator
and prepare a very brief biography of your qualifications and experience for
the Coordinator's use when introducing you.
1. Read the attached lesson plans NOW to help you plan your preparation
time and comprehend this Facilitator Guide.
2. Spend adequate time to become completely familiar with the lesson
plans so you can teach well and serve as a role model.
3. Review available job information to familiarize yourself with the job and
incorporate the information as examples in the "Overview" lesson. DO
NOT use it as a way to contribute technical input to the task list; this
must be done by team members.
4. Fine-tune your Nominal Group Technique and Consensus Decision-
Making skills.
5. Confirm all details with the Coordinator.
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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