| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1076-94
The purpose of this Handbook is to establish general training program guidelines for
training personnel in developing training for operation, maintenance, and technical support
personnel at Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear facilities.
TTJA can be used for needs, job, and task analysis, but the focus of this Handbook
will be on job analysis. Department of Energy (DOE) Orders 5480.18B, Nuclear Facility
Traiing Accreditation Program and 5480.20A, Personnel Selection, Qualification and
Training Requirements for DOE Nuclear Facilities, stress the importance of training
programs that are based on a systematic approach. An integral part of any
systematically-developed training program includes an analysis of the jobs to be
performed. TTJA is one "systematic" method of many that can be used by DOE
contractor organizations to obtain high quality job analysis.
TTJA is not the only method of job analysis; however, when conducted properly TTJA
can be cost effective, efficient, and self-validating, and represents an effective method of
defining job requirements. The table-top job analysis is suggested in the DOE Training
Accreditation Program manuals as an acceptable alternative to traditional methods of
analyzing job requirements. DOE 5480.20A strongly endorses and recommends it as the
preferred method for analyzing jobs for positions addressed by the Order.
Much of the initial research and development of the DOE Handbook, Table-Top Job
Analysis was developed on the basis of DACUM (Developing A Curriculum) principles that
were refined at Ohio State University. The National Center for Research in Vocational
Education was also helpful with information exchange during the development of this
DOE contractors should not feel obligated to adopt all parts of this Handbook. Rather,
they can use information from this Handbook in conducting job analysis as the information
and methods apply to their facility.
Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, and deletions) and any pertinent
data that may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Manager,
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