| DOE-HDBK-1076-94
Listen actively to all contributions
Control participants who try to dominate
Readily accept as many contributions as possible
Avoid criticizing participant's contributions
Verbalize contributions to ensure accuracy and clarity
Provide frequent positive reinforcement
Repress own biases and opinions
Probe and encourage with questions
Set and maintain an enthusiastic climate.
The team members should be encouraged to do the following:
Offer content contributions freely
Share ideas among themselves
Help one another frame statements
Limit value judgments about the contributions of others
Begin all task statements with an action verb
Avoid statements using knowledge and attitudes.
The facilitator must be adept at communication skills for the session to be a success.
At this point the facilitator starts to apply his/her TTJA facilitation skills in actually
constructing the TTJA task list. It is assumed that the facilitator has already oriented the
team members and has satisfactorily answered their questions concerning TTJA. The next
section deals with information defining the job and its scope and proceeds step-by-step
through each of the remaining stages of task list development.
state which job the operating organization needs to have analyzed. The major purpose of
this discussion is to clearly establish the parameters of the job to be analyzed. Everyone
needs to know the specific program that is to be analyzed.
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