| DOE-HDBK-1076-94
expected. Once a group of tasks has been sequenced, review it from beginning to end
(left to right) to ensure final agreement before going on to the next duty area.
Once the group has sequenced all of the task statements, the facilitator should ask the
team to study all duty areas. The objective now is to organize the entire analysis as it will
appear on the printed task list. Two factors should be considered at this point.
First, sequence the duty areas logically (i.e., chronologically or hierarchically).
Second, the facilitator should suggest the vertical shifting of one or more duties
adjacent to an area that has similar tasks or that logically follows the previous band. It
should be noted, however, as with the task statements, that the top-to-bottom sequencing
of the duty areas usually is partly an arbitrary one.
The facilitator should now be ready to obtain final agreement on whether the task list
is a reasonably accurate and comprehensive description of the job. Normally, the members
will quickly agree that the chart is complete, especially if the process has been followed,
and will want to know how soon they can show a copy to their supervisor(s) and
team members to sort each task into categories of "no train," "pre-train," "train," or
"overtrain" tasks. The facilitator should inform the team that some training can be
effectively completed with non-formal training; these will be the "no-train" tasks. Other
tasks will require documented training and evaluation in a formal training program ("train"
and "overtrain"), while still others require formal training and evaluation "pre-train" just
prior to task performance (for example, a task completed only every three years).
The team will apply criteria to determine the designation of each task.
High frequency of performance
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