STEP 6 - SELECT TASKS FOR TRAINING, Cont'd (~5-1/2 hr)
As consensus is reached, move each task statement next to the applicable poster
Put an applicable color dot on the previously-attached post-it note (that shows
the duty area letter and task number)
Type the selection into the task list
After you finish the first two duty areas, have an observer conduct this step for
the next duty area.
-- Provide non-threatening critique and guidance
Explain to participants how their selection of black, yellow, green, or red impacts
the training program
Print cover letter and list of tasks selected for training; have all team members
and Facilitators sign the list
Explain how the TTJA results will be used in the Table-Top Training Design
Sincerely thank team members and observers for their cooperation and
Explain that everyone will receive a certificate for their efforts
Collect seminar evaluation forms from participants and observers (TTJA
Introduction-HD-2 and HD-3)
Table-Top Job Analysis
Rev 1: December 22, 1994
Facilitator Guide
5480.20 Seminar Series
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