| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1076-94
Reviewing the task list at this stage should result in considerable clarification and
numerous word changes. New cards should be written for statements that are changed in
order to keep the task list as neat as possible.
The facilitator must constantly challenge the team to think of the most accurate and
descriptive terms. It is important to insist on consistency and clarity.
A few other points should be stressed. A task statement should contain as few words
as possible (usually a maximum of eight) and still be completely descriptive. Often, two or
three words are sufficient. Long statements tend to lack focus.
Each duty area should contain at least six specific task statements. If the group can
specify only two or three tasks, the duty area should probably be combined with another
related area. Conversely, if a particular duty area results in a large number of tasks (e.g.,
fifteen to thirty), there may be justification for dividing that large area into two duty areas.
Once the tasks in each duty area have been refined, the facilitator should ask the team
if the duty statement is still an accurate description of that general area of responsibility.
Sometimes the scope of the duty areas should be narrowed or broadened to reflect the
specific tasks more accurately. To the extent possible, each duty area should include all
the tasks within the area and exclude all the tasks specified for the other duty areas.
A quick check of available work procedures is beneficial to help validate this list. This
review may identify some overlooked tasks. For example, while looking at procedures a
task is found that is only performed every three years, is critical, but was not discovered
during the brainstorming session due to its infrequency.
The facilitator's role is to stimulate the team to make any necessary refinements that
may be needed. The facilitator should question and challenge their statements and even
propose alterative wording, but must always allow the team to make all the technical
content decisions.
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