| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
Difficulty of the material
Length of the training
Amount of material covered
Clarity of the material
Terminology used in the material
Pace of the training
Structure of the material and sequence of training
Quantity and quality of practice exercises
Quality of the media
Relevance of the training to job performance.
For courses of lengthy duration it is not always feasible to conduct a
small-group evaluation. An alternative is to conduct small-group evaluations on
the most important segments of the course. Courses or segments of courses not
submitted to small-group evaluation should receive increased monitoring and
emphasis during the first run. See "Indicators of Potential Training
Program Weaknesses," "Post-training Questionnaire," and "Post-training
Interview" (Attachments 31 through 33, respectively) for examples of a
checklist, questionnaire, and interview form that can be used to collect data
during the small-group evaluation and the first run.
4.4.6 Conduct First Run. The first run verifies the usability of the training material
under intended conditions and confirms the revisions made to the material
during the technical review and small-group evaluation. Prior to conducting the
first run, material should receive formal approval by the training and referent
organization management. During the first run, learning and administrative
problems are noted and trainee comments on the training are obtained.
Techniques for data collection are the same as for small-group evaluation.
After collection, the data should be analyzed to improve applicable training
materials. If problems are identified during the tryout, retraining of the trainees
involved may have to occur once the materials are corrected.
4.4.7 Evaluate Data and Revise Material. Data collected during the small-group
evaluation and tryout are translated into findings, and decisions are made for
revising the training materials. Progress and post-test scores should be
collected and analyzed to determine if the intended learning outcome is reflected
in the learning objectives and their associated test items. If the training does not
produce the intended learning outcomes, revision of training materials should be
considered. It should be noted that faulty test items may not accurately
measure the intended learning outcome of the trainees. Those test items
consistently missed by trainees should be analyzed for faulty construction.
Supporting training materials should also be analyzed for clarity, completeness,
and technical accuracy.
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