| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1078-94
The TES contains two sections; Training and Evaluation.
The Training section contains the task title and number, the terminal and
enabling objectives, and the applicable references. The information contained
in this section will form the basis for the training development activities that
The Evaluation section contains a performance test that includes prerequisites,
amplifying conditions and standards, and instructions to the trainee and the
evaluator. This performance test is used to measure the adequacy of a trainee's
performance on a particular job-related task. There are several names used for
the evaluation section of this standard, each varying in format and degree of
documentation (e.g., job performance measures, qualification standards, and
OJT checklists). The evaluation section of the TES can also be used to
evaluate the performance of existing job incumbents. Incumbents may not
have had the opportunity to participate in the newly developed performance--
based training program. By evaluating their performance using the
performance test in the TES, the merit of prior training can be assessed, and
appropriate remedial training can be assigned if necessary.
It is during the development of the TES that the majority of task analysis occurs, since
many of the knowledge and skill requirements for task elements are identified while
writing these standards. The advantage of performing task analysis at this point is
It reduces unproductive data gathering by providing early determination of
entry-level requirements and course prerequisites. This results in the
generation of a set of enabling objectives that can be provided to a training
A document is generated that establishes the performance requirements
necessary to evaluate trainee task performance.
Placing task analysis data into a computer data base will greatly facilitate the
construction of a TES. A computer program could easily sort the data and print it out
in the desired TES format. Also, the data base could be utilized to sort and organize
the knowledge, skill and abilities (KSAs) and objectives to identify areas of
commonality, and to group-related KSAs or objectives for ease of sequencing.
The TES can be formatted several ways, but should include the following components
at a minimum:
Task Number and Title - Unique number and task statement from the
Task-to-Training Matrix;
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