| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1080-97
another provide the foundation for many examinations. For example, the simplest form of
oral examination involves the questions that are asked of a student, trainee, or incumbent
as the individual demonstrates how to perform a simple task. This is typically the
evaluation element of on-the-job training. Another example of oral examination is a
formally-convened and administered board consisting of a group of "experts" asking
questions to determine the person's knowledge relative to the position for which
qualification is sought. Other forms of oral examinations are also used. These include oral
checkouts, facility walkthroughs, operational examinations, performance demonstrations,
and others. This handbook presents information that is useful in providing consistent and
reliable oral examinations regardless of the setting in which they are used.
Within this handbook the terms "qualification" and "certification" are used interchangeably.
DOE Order 5480.20A should be consulted for the formal use and definitions of qualification
and certification.
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