| DOE-HDBK-1080-97
Operational Evaluation -- A documented evaluation of an individual's knowledge and skills.
The operational evaluation is a facility walkthrough that may include system and/or
component operation, or simulation of operations, during which the candidate is observed
and questioned regarding procedures, safety implications, and technical safety
Oral Board -- An oral examination covering a broad area of knowledge (at the job level vs
task or duty area) involving the questioning of one trainee/job candidate by one or more
Oral Board Chair -- A member of the oral board (as determined by facility procedure) who
presides over the board.
Oral Board Member -- Personnel qualified to actively participate in the oral board (as
determined by facility procedure).
Oral Checkout - An examination of a trainee's understanding relative to a specific system
or process that constitutes only a portion of the trainee's prospective job.
Oral Examination -- An examination of a trainee's knowledge during which a trainee
answers oral questions related to a knowledge requirement for the applicable learning
objectives, tasks, or qualification standard.
Program Evaluation Board -- An oral board used for the purpose of identifying problems in
a training program when poor performance by a trainee is identified.
Progress Review Board -- An oral board used to determine a trainee's progress in a
qualification/certification program. A progress review board should only cover the portions
of the program which the trainee has completed.
Qualification Standard -- A document that identifies the knowledge and skill requirements
necessary for successful completion of a qualification for a specific position.
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