| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1080-97
members will not be able to function efficiently. In all cases, questioning should continue
until all board members are satisfied that they have determined the trainee's level of
knowledge and can accurately grade the trainee's performance. At the conclusion of the
board, the board chair should ensure a representative sampling of the learning objectives
has been covered in sufficient detail to determine the trainee's level of knowledge.
Breaks can be allowed during oral boards. Subjects covered before a break should not be
discussed after the break. At least one board member should remain with the grading and
question/answer sheets at all times to prevent examination compromise.
At the conclusion of questioning, the board chair should dismiss the trainee. The oral
board members should then tabulate their individual grades, and determine the trainee's
pass/fail status. When the associated paperwork is completed, the board chair recalls the
trainee and informs the trainee of the board's decision. The board chair should discuss
highlights of the results (discuss all areas in which the trainee may need to study to correct
any identified knowledge deficiencies, and indicate areas of excellent performance) of the
board with the trainee. The trainee should be encouraged to ask questions regarding the
outcome of the board.
Oral Board Grading
The grading standard for pass/fail should be set by facility procedure. Each board member
should independently grade each question that the board member is qualified to grade. The
grades should be recorded on a standard form by each board member, and the overall
board grade is assigned by the board chair. These forms, completed and signed by each
board member, should become a part of the trainee's training record.
The board questioning should be organized into distinct areas such as theory, systems and
components, normal operations, abnormal operations, administrative controls, technical
safety requirements, etc. Questions pertaining to each area may be asked by one or more
of the board members.
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