| ![]() Spontaneous Heating and Pyrophoricity
skulls tend to ignite readily and achieve a high initial temperature which lasts
until melting occurs and the surface area is reduced.
The oxide layer that forms during burning limits the oxidation rate of
plutonium. The burning process is similar to that of a charcoal briquette. The
ignition temperature of plutonium metal depends on the factors that increase
the oxidation rate. Finely divided plutonium metal, such as metal powder of
fine machine turnings, ignites near 150 C. This temperature is easily reached
if a coexisting pyrophoric material such as a hydride spontaneously ignites at
room temperature. Bulk or massive plutonium characterized as having a
specific surface area less than 10 cm2 /g requires temperatures in excess of
400 C to ignite. Many plutonium fires have occurred because samples
containing finely divided metal have spontaneously ignited. Fires have not
occurred with well-characterized metal existing in large pieces that have
higher ignition temperatures. Thus, massive plutonium is not considered
pyrophoric or capable of self-ignition.
An investigation of two instances in which kilogram-sized plutonium pieces
were observed to "spontaneously ignite" in air at room temperature showed
that they had been exposed to unlimited sources of hydrogen for extended
periods, and that the samples were thermally insulated when ignition occurred.
The amount of hydride present on these massive pieces apparently generated
sufficient heat to cause ignition. These observations emphasize the need for
well-characterized materials.
Storage and Handling
Plutonium should be stored as pure metal (Pu) or in its dioxide (PuO2 ) form in a dry,
inert or slightly oxidizing atmosphere. The formation of oxide from metal is
accompanied by a large volume expansion (up to 70%) which may bulge or breach
the primary container. Case studies show that mechanical wedging resulting from this
expansion can even breach a second metal container, resulting in localized
contamination release and possible exposure of personnel. Oxidation of the metal and
rupture of the container by mechanical wedging are prevented if the storage container
is hermetically sealed. Plutonium radioactively decays producing alpha particles and
helium molecules. Over long-term storage, helium buildup can contribute to the
pressurization of containers.
Plutonium sesquioxide and hydride should be converted to plutonium dioxide before
storage. Primary and secondary containers should be hermetically sealed and contain
no plastics or other materials that decompose as a result of radiation exposure.
For a more complete discussion of plutonium storage issues, refer to DOE/DP-123T,
Assessment of Plutonium Storage Issues at Department of Energy Facilities,
January 1994.
Rev. 0
Page 35
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