Spontaneous Heating and Pyrophoricity
methods which depend on water, water solutions, or inert gas are not effective on
magnesium chip fires. Halogen containing extinguishing agents (the Halons) react
violently with burning magnesium because the chlorine or other halogen combines
with the magnesium. However, flooding with noble gases (e.g., helium or argon)
will extinguish burning magnesium.
The method of extinguishing magnesium fires depends largely upon the form of the
material. Burning chips, shavings, and small parts must be smothered and cooled
with a suitable dry extinguishing agent (e.g., graphite and dry sodium chloride).
Where magnesium dust is present, care must be taken to prevent a dust cloud from
forming in the air during application of the agent because this may result in a dust
Fires in massive magnesium can be fought without difficulty if attacked in their early
stages. It may be possible to remove surrounding material, leaving the small quantity
of magnesium to burn itself out harmlessly. Considering the importance of prompt
attack on magnesium fires, automatic sprinklers are desirable because they provide
automatic notification and control of fire. While the water from the sprinklers may
have the immediate effect of intensifying magnesium combustion, it will serve to
protect the structure and prevent ignition of surrounding combustible material. An
excess of water applied to fires in solid magnesium (avoiding puddles of molten
metal) cools the metal below the ignition temperature after some initial
intensification, and the fire goes out rapidly. By contrast, the fire may be intensified
but not controlled with only a small, finely divided water spray.
Magnesium fires in heat treating ovens can best be controlled with powders and
gases developed for use on such fires. By using melting fluxes to exclude air from
the burning metal, fires in heat treating furnaces have been successfully extinguished.
Boron trifluoride gas is an effective extinguishing agent for small fires in heat
treating furnaces. Cylinders of boron trifluoride can be permanently connected to the
oven or mounted on a suitable cart for use as portable equipment. Boron trifluoride
is allowed to flow into the oven until the fire is extinguished, or, where large
quantities of magnesium are well involved before discovery or where the furnace is
not tight, the boron trifluoride will control the fire until flux can be applied to
extinguish the fire.
Titanium, like magnesium, is classified as a combustible metal, but again the size and
shape of the metal determine to a great extent whether or not it will ignite. Castings
and other massive pieces of titanium are not combustible under ordinary conditions.
Small chips, fine turnings, and dust ignite readily and, once ignited, burn with the
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