| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
session and a daily session schedule are included in Addendum A, Checklist
of Coordinator Steps to Prepare for Table-Top Training Design Process.
Informing Team Members. At this point, the coordinator should have defined
the job, identified potential sources of team members, and determined the
criteria to be used in the selection of members. Two other major tasks must
be carried out before the TTTD session: (a) contacting the organizations that
have the type of expert workers needed, and (b) contacting the prospective
team members.
A coordinator may be hesitant about contacting organizational management
to ask if they are willing to participate in the TTTD session by releasing one or
more of their best workers for two to three days. However, management will
gladly participate in the process when they know that the effort will be
An important aspect of contacting the organizational management required for
the TTTD session is to stress how the organization's expertise is needed to
update or establish a training program. The coordinator should assure the
organizational management that the process will not be successful without
the help of the organization's experts.
When possible, it is important for coordinators to make an appointment to visit
the necessary managers to explain the TTTD process and to request their
cooperation in nominating and releasing one or more workers. During the visit
with the organization, the coordinator should be prepared to explain the TTTD
process, how the results will be used, and the qualifications of the worker or
supervisor needed. A one- or two-page written explanation and sample TTTD
products to leave with the organizational management can be very helpful.
The best way to obtain team members for a TTTD team is to meet personally
with each nominee, as arranged through the organizational management, thirty
to sixty days in advance of the session. If there is sufficient time, this one-on-
one technique elicits the best results.
Prospective team members may hesitate to make commitments to a new or
different experience. The TTTD coordinator should explain the member's role
in the process. Prospective members should be told what to expect from the
TTTD session and that support from management for their involvement has
been secured.
During the explanation, the coordinator should stress the importance of the full-
time commitment to the session. Each team member should be present and
participate in all portions of the session. Coordinators should not ask someone
to be a team member if they are obviously not interested in the activity. Such a
person probably will not be a major contributor to the process and may even be
detrimental to its success.
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