| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
REMEMBER: The facilitator's role is to stimulate the team to make
any adjustments that may be needed. Question and challenge their
statements when it seems necessary, but always allow the team to
make any technical decisions.
Step 4 - Prioritize Courses for Development Efforts.
Set-Up for Step 4. Once again, leave all of the signs and pages from
Step 3 intact on the wall. Re-draw the initial training structure on a
flipchart page (and the continuing training structure on a separate
flipchart page) to reflect the changes and additions generated during
Step 3. Hang the revised training structures back up on the wall before
beginning the next step.
Conducting Step 4. Begin Step 4 by reminding trainees from the
"Overview" lesson that this step involves identifying which topics have
the most immediate need for the development of training materials.
If there is already an existing training program for the job for which the
team is designing a training program structure, then some of the topics
of the validated task list might already have adequate training. Other
topics which need to have training developed will be identified during this
step. Management will want to play a large part in this decision. Make
sure that any management personnel are present during this step to
provide their input.
Using consensus decision-making, ask the participants, "Which five
topics do you feel are most necessary to have training developed?"
Place 1X2 Post-its on each topic page identified. Then have the
participants rank those five topics in order of priority by asking, "Which
topic needs training developed for it the most?" Write a large number "1"
on the 1X2 Post-it you attached to the topic page. Ask, "Which topic
would you say should be next in priority?" Write a large number "2" on
the 1X2 Post-it you attached to it.
Continue prioritizing topics 3 through 5 until a level of priority has been
assigned to all five topics (see illustration on the next page).
Step 5 - Determine Course Content.
Set-Up for Step 5. Isolate the prioritized topics and their task statements
on a separate wall. Set up a flipchart with a pad of paper at the front of
the room where all participants can see it.
NOTE: All signs and pages from previous steps should be left up in
order to retain a global picture of the program.
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