| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Table-Top Training Design
Overview of Table-Top Training Design
Discussion Points
Instructor / Trainee Activity
2) As a trainee progresses through the
training program, building the trainees'
knowledge to higher cognitive levels,
SHOW various examples
as appropriate, so they can safely
of training structures
perform their tasks even in unusual or
developed as a result of
emergency situations.
this process.
3) Testing people using methods that will
best evaluate their safe, competent job
(25/15 min into lesson)
During this step we will begin building the
Spend little time on this
training "flowchart," which will serve as the
visual example and your "thinking board."
As we progress through the remaining steps in
this process, we will modify this flowchart
ASK: What do you think is
meant by the term "entry-
level requirements"?
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