| DOE-HDBK-1086-95
Set up the room by the following:
Post a sign on outside of the door.
Determine how you will use the walls of the room.
Write and post 8X11 train and overtrain task statements.
Arrange the tables, chairs, overhead projector, etc.
Place material on the tables for each participant.
Ensure that several copies of needed documentation are in the
Set-up a snack table with pitcher of water and glasses (if possible).
Ensure that all training equipment works (e.g., VCR, overhead
proj., etc.).
Write the facilitator and coordinator names and phone numbers on
flipchart paper.
Explain to the facility trainer(s) how to follow along.
Prepare the overheads and set up flipcharts.
Ask facility manager about the parking policy, smoking policy,
location of restrooms, and availability of phones.
Ensure that enough copies of distributed handouts for the lessons
are available.
Make supervisor aware of how he/she can unknowingly influence
the participants during the seminar.
Remember to exude enthusiasm for how well the TTTD process
works, and seek to create a relaxed, risk-free, congenial environment
for all participants.
Teach the lessons using Addenda C-E.
Have observers move to the back of the room.
Remind the person who will be developing the training to take notes
during training-related discussions.
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