| DOE-HDBK-1092-98
Power electronics equipment is equipment that uses electronic components and subsystems to
control significant amounts of electrical energy. Examples of power electronics systems include:
Power supplies and modulators for laser systems;
Accelerators, magnets, x-ray systems, and other research equipment;
Radio and radar transmitters;
Variable speed motor drives; and
All applicable portions of this section should be addressed due to the hazards involved with this type
of equipment.
Power electronics equipment should be constructed in all-metal enclosures for containment of fire,
high energy, and electromagnetic radiation hazards.
The enclosures should support the housed equipment, provide strength to brace conductors against
short circuit forces, and protect housed equipment against physical damage.
It is usually easier to provide barriers to protect the electronics enclosure from collision and missile
hazards rather than strengthening the enclosure itself.
Enclosures must provide adequate clearance from energized parts. The required clearances depend
on the shape of the conductor, the surface characteristics of the conductor and enclosure, the voltage
characteristics, environmental conditions, and creepage. The breakdown strength along the surface
of supporting insulators may require larger clearances than breakdown in air.
All power electronics enclosures shall provide adequate room for access to parts and subsystems for
expected maintenance and modification. Consideration should be given to handling provisions for
heavy parts and subsystems, access to test points and calibration adjustments, and work clearances
for safe access to enclosure interiors.
Safe work on high-voltage equipment requires installation of manual grounding devices on exposed
high-voltage conductors. Enclosure size shall provide adequate room to safely apply and remove
grounding devices, and permit grounding devices to remain in place without interfering with
expected work.
Enclosures shall be sized to allow cables to be installed and routed without infringing on required
clearances from high-voltage conductors.
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