| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-98
4. Use procedures as tools--Even though procedures are only paper or text, they should be
viewed as tools to prevent injury.
5. Isolate the equipment--The best way to avoid accidental release of energy is by isolating the
equipment before starting the job (lockout/tagout).
6. Identify the hazard--Employees who are exposed or potentially exposed must be able to
recognize when and how they are exposed. Management has the responsibility to provide
training to deal with each known hazard, as required.
7. Minimize the hazard--Take all known steps to minimize each hazard and the exposure to each
known hazard.
8. Protect the person--The last chance to avoid an injury is to wear personal protective
equipment (PPE). Each person must use all protective equipment that is needed. It is
management's responsibility to provide all appropriate PPE.
9. Assess people's abilities--Knowledge and ability help prevent injuries. Each person must
recognize their limitations whether physical, mental or emotional. Management must also
recognize the same limitations.
10. Audit these principles--The audit should validate the principles related to the people, task, and
work environment. It should gauge the visibility of the principles in actual behavior.
The six basic elements of an effective Electrical Safety Program are listed below.
Management must have complete commitment to the program;
Effective training for all degrees of hazard and a baseline for training must be established;
Effective and complete safe electrical work practices must be established;
Documentation must be kept for all activities;
Electrical safety engineering support must be made; and
Oversight for the electrical safety program must be established, also.
The model program described in the following pages is presented in terms of purpose, scope, and
ownership; performance objectives; responsibilities, authorities, and interfaces; definitions, and
implementation guidance. References are listed for more in-depth guidance. A model Charter of the
Electrical Safety Committee is provided as an appendix.
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