| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-98
A. The committee shall meet at least quarterly, and the meeting shall be called by the chair or by the
secretary in the absence of the chair.
B. ESC bulletins and all revisions to the Electrical Safety Manual will be reviewed by the ESC.
C. Subcommittees to address particular areas of electrical safety may be formed at the direction of
the chair, by vote of the committee, or by a voting member with the concurrence of the chair or
committee. At least one ESC member shall serve on each subcommittee.
D. Designated alternate members shall vote in the absence of members and shall provide consultation
and advice to individual members or the whole committee, as requested.
E. The chair shall appoint someone to serve as the chair in the chair's absence.
F. The secretary shall record and distribute ESC meeting minutes.
Conduct of the meetings and any resulting recommendations (with supporting documentation) will
be communicated to ES&H management through the meeting minutes.
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