Test instruments and equipment and their accessories shall be rated for the circuits and equipment
to which they will be connected and shall be suitable for the environment in which they will be used. CALIBRATION OF ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard C39.1 defines the minimum performance
and general requirements level for electrical instruments. ANSI standards also ensure that an
instrument, when calibrated to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable
standards, is capable of transferring that quality of measurement to field conditions within specified
limits, where that level of measurement quality is needed.
A record should be maintained for each instrument, by serial number or equivalent method, showing
dates of inspection, calibration data as received, the date when it should be recalled from the field
and a recalibration check made, and any interim repairs. After a period of time, it should become
obvious what frequency needs to be established for calibrating each instrument.
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