| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-2004
lines or equipment during rain, snow, sleet, fog, and other damp conditions, except in
extreme emergencies if in the opinion of supervision and line crew it can be done safely.
4. While working on the same pole, workers shall not work simultaneously on wires that have a
difference of potential.
5. Rubber gloves of appropriate voltage rating shall be worn when working within reach of a
fellow employee who is working on or within reach of wires or equipment carrying voltage in
excess of 600 V.
6. Insulated tongs or disconnect sticks shall be used to open or close plugs or fuses or to
disconnect blades.
Employees stringing or removing deenergized conductors should follow certain safe work
practices. Consideration should be given to the following:
1. When it is necessary to conduct any work on poles or structures carrying more than one
circuit and where there is not safe working clearance between circuits, the conductors not
being worked on shall be either:
a. Untied and separated with proper clearance from the pole or structure,
b. Deenergized and grounded, or
c. Covered with the necessary protective devices.
2. Prior to stringing operations, a job briefing shall be held setting forth the plan of operation
and specifying the type of equipment to be used, grounding devices to be used and
instructions to be followed, crossover methods to be employed, and clearance authorization
3. Where there is a possibility that the conductor will accidentally contact an energized circuit
or receive a dangerous induced voltage buildup, to protect the employee from the hazards
of the conductor, the conductor being installed or removed shall be grounded or provisions
made to insulate or isolate the employee.
4. If the existing line is deenergized, proper clearance authorization should be secured and the
line grounded on both sides of the crossover, or the line being strung or removed should be
considered and worked on as energized.
5. When workers cross over energized conductors, rope nets or guard structures shall be
installed unless provisions are made to isolate or insulate the workers or the energized
conductor. Where practical, the automatic reclosing feature of the circuit-interrupting device
should be made inoperative. In addition, the line being strung should be grounded on either
side of the crossover or considered and worked on as energized.
6. Conductors being strung or removed should be kept under positive control by the use of
adequate tension reels, guard structures, tielines, or other means to prevent accidental
contact with energized circuits.
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