| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-2004
Controlled length of validation time period after which a revisit and remarking of the site
becomes necessary.
It is important to establish and maintain policies and procedures to assure accurate and
effective methods are used to verify and mark utilities to support various facility excavation
activities. Once the configuration control resources have been exhausted, there are a number
of locator equipment methods which can be used to help identify utilities not previously
identified. Once identified, all utilities must be marked at the field work location in order to
establish effective communication with the excavation work group. Some facilities use survey
paints sprayed on the ground or on the concrete walls/slabs. Some facilities use whiskers, flags
or postings. Whatever the methods used, they must be effective. Most DOE facilities have
some form of utilities verification and marking system. Here are a few examples of effective
methods used :
a. Field walk-downs of excavation site by approved subject matter experts.
b. Testing to validate identified utilities.
c. Testing to identify utilities not yet identified
- Ground penetrating radar method.
- Passive/active frequency method.
d. Survey paint markings
- must be durable and timed to effectively coincide with the work group mobilization.
These markings should be made no more than two or three days prior to the actual
excavation work. They should be verified immediately prior to the beginning of the
excavation work.
e. Survey flags
- must be durable and timed to effectively coincide with the work group mobilization.
These flags should be installed no more than two or three days prior to the actual
excavation work. They should be verified immediately prior to the beginning of the
excavation work.
Utilities color coding
- same Utilities & Transportation Commission (UTC) color coding as municipalities
- offsite subcontractors are very familiar with this work practice.
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