| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1092-2004
The "air lance" and "high pressure water lance," combined with high suction vacuum, are
examples of nondestructive excavation in use today.
Worker protection during excavation work requires careful consideration. More workers are
typically involved in the work activity, and can be affected by other workers in proximity to the
excavation process. Personal protective equipment must be chosen carefully for those
performing excavation work. Additional equipment such as rubber boots, insulated tools, and
insulated gloves are a few examples of this extra layer of protection for the excavation worker.
These additional measures should be considered. This is especially important for areas which
have not previously been charted for utility rights-of-way.
As-built drawings have provided significant improvements in the various excavation
activities/programs across the DOE Complex. Configuration management of buried or
embedded utilities has improved at every facility that implements the as-built drawing
requirement. It is a tool that is strongly recommended. As-built drawings should not be relied
upon as the only source for the accurate location of underground/embedded utilities.
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