| DOE-HDBK-1099-96
Evaluation is as important to the drill as planning or conducting it. The more thorough the
evaluation process, the greater its benefit in the form of useful lessons learned. Evaluation
serves two functions. It provides for evaluation of the personnel actions and for overall
evaluation of the drill with respect to meeting the needs identified in the scope, purpose, and
Evaluation criteria should be part of the required response/evaluation criteria section of the drill
scenario. Regardless of whether the drill is conducted by the typical method of in-plant perform
or by use of an alternative method (e.g., table-top), the evaluation criteria should take into
account the setting. If the criteria is already developed for the in-plant setting and the scenario
will be run in the table-top setting, the existing evaluation criteria should be verified satisfactory
or the evaluation criteria should be revised to fit the setting.
As indicated in the Purpose section of this Handbook, performance factors for which evaluation
criteria should be developed are as follows:
Component and system interrelationships - understanding the operating
characteristics of each system and its major components, the relationships
between systems, and how events in one system affect interfacing systems
Reasoning and judgement - ability to apply knowledge of facility systems,
components, procedures, and requirements to normal, abnormal, and accident
Team interactions - ability of individual crew/team members to work effectively in
controlling plant/facility operations and events
Communications - ability to convey information accurately and effectively
Evaluation forms/documentation should be as straightforward as possible. A simple form with
brief instructions and space to list identified strength and weaknesses works well, as does
criteria listed alongside the action being observed. A checklist can be used for the evaluator to
rate various activities. The forms should contain space for listing the criteria, the time the event
occurred, the person or job position being observed, and the grade assigned to the action
performance. Regardless of the format or method chosen, the evaluation should match the
objective descriptions. This ensures the actions being observed and the drill are being evaluated
consistently to the same criteria. When the objective descriptions have been developed they
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