| DOE-HDBK-1099-96
A mechanism should be in place to upgrade the drill program, and individual weaknesses
identified during the conduct of drills. A new feedback program is not needed if an existing
facility feedback processes is already in place.
If the critique results indicate that the facility operating personnel could not control the situation
presented in the drill scenario, a determination should be made of whether the problem was is
due to a lack of training, inadequate procedures, drill scenario problems, etc. If training is the
problem, the facility training program should be upgraded. Immediate training needs should be
identified and included in to the continuing training program. The initial training program should
also be modified to include the information identified on training deficiencies. Good practices
should be identified and factored into initial and continuing training programs. As appropriate,
personnel deficiencies should be corrected by remediation and/or retraining. All completed
remediation or retraining should be documented and filed in the person's training record.
Problems encountered with any portion of the drill scenario should be identified in the drill
critique. These problems should be corrected before the drill scenario is conducted again. For
example, items that may be considered include:
Improving identification of initial conditions or initiation methods for the drill
Using more or fewer personnel to run the drill
Dealing with unexpected problems encountered during the conduct of the drill
(i.e., the drill scenario or facility conditions)
Correcting communications problems
Replacing inaccurate or inappropriate cues or props
Equipment malfunctions
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