| ![]() D0E-HDBK-1100-2004
The Corrective Actions System
Implementation of corrective actions is the responsibility of management. In assigning
corrective actions, management may consult with the PrHA team to assure full understanding of
the hazards identified in the PrHA before corrective actions are taken.
If an action item appears in a PrHA report and management chooses not to implement a
corrective action, then the justification for not doing so must be documented and made part of
the PrHA records. If management approves a particular corrective action and it is not
implemented, justification must also be documented as part of the PrHA records.
Management review of the action items from a PrHA of a large or complex process may result
in many corrective actions and safety improvement activities. These actions should be
prioritized to facilitate timely implementation.
After approving a prioritized list of corrective actions and safety improvements, management
must maintain a system for managing, monitoring, and tracking their implementation. This
system must also track delegation of authority for monitoring and reporting.
Monitoring corrective action plans and schedules can be done manually. However, a
computerized database can also be used to track all corrective actions. A computerized tracking
system is of particular benefit when a large number of activities must be monitored. As a
minimum, the system for tracking the status of corrective actions should:
list and describe the corrective actions;
provide schedules for completing the corrective actions;
name the individuals responsible for tracking and reporting on the corrective
identify the organizations and name the individuals responsible for completing the
corrective actions;
state completion dates.
All documentation and tracking information must be up to date, readily available, and easy to
Because all corrective actions and safety improvements are management decisions, they should
be implemented according to DOE Order 5480.19, "Conduct of Operations Requirements for
DOE Facilities."
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