| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-96
Documentation Requirements
Incident investigation findings must be documented in a written report that contains the date of the
incident, the date the investigation began, a description of the incident, the factors that contributed to
the incident, and recommendations. The PSM Rule requires that a team be appointed and an
investigation initiated within 48 hours of discovery of the incident. However, current DOE Orders
are more restrictive and should be consulted for additional requirements.
Minimum Implementation Criteria
Investigations must be conducted for all incidents that result in, or could reasonably result in,
catastrophic releases of highly hazardous chemicals. DOE contractors must assemble a team and
initiate an investigation within 48 hours of an incident or sooner, per DOE requirements [Q88].
Therefore, an effective written incident investigation procedure must be in place for establishing an
incident investigation team, including a leader, and preserving relevant information and evidence.
Activities for preserving information include securing/barricading the scene, initiating the collection
of transient information, and interviewing personnel.
The incident investigation team should vary according to the type of incident. A typical team may
include management personnel from the facility where the incident occurred; engineering and/or
maintenance personnel; facility and/or operations personnel; ES&H personnel; and technical and/or
research personnel. Incident investigation teams must include at least one person knowledgeable in
the process involved in the incident. If the incident involved the work of a subcontractor, at least
one subcontractor employee must be included on the investigation team. Other members should
have the appropriate knowledge and experience to support the investigation.
The team chairperson must effectively control the scope of team activities by identifying the lines of
investigation to be pursued; assigning tasks and establishing timetables; and keeping facility
management advised of the progress of the investigation.
Investigations should include a visit to the incident scene; preparation of visual aids, such as photos
and field sketches; eyewitness interviews, conducted privately and individually; observation of any
mechanical equipment involved; review of as-built drawings, operating logs, recorder charts,
previous reports, procedures, equipment manuals, design data, laboratory tests, and other potentially
useful information; and documentation of the sources of information for the incident report.
Incident investigations should analyze for root causes that will lead to recommendations for
corrective actions. Recommendations should include the actions to prevent a recurrence of the
incident, the identification of the person responsible for completing the actions, and the schedule for
completion. Corrective actions should be aimed primarily at preventing or controlling the
underlying causes of an incident rather than the surface manifestations.
Incident investigation report findings and recommendations must be implemented and documented
promptly. A system should be in place to ensure follow-up, closure, and documentation of open
recommendations from an incident investigation.
Incident investigation reports must be reviewed with all affected personnel whose jobs relate to the
incident findings, including subcontractor employees, where applicable. Consideration should be
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