| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-96
CONTRACTOR EMPLOYEES, describes general hazard identification and analysis requirements
for occupational safety and health.
Emergency Planning DOE O 151.1, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, requires hazard
identification as the basis for emergency planning. PrHAs have direct application for identifying
chemical process hazards in support of emergency planning as required by DOE O 151.1. They
should be used to support the emergency planning element in the PSM Rule in conjunction with
consequence modeling. PrHAs, SARs, and emergency planning hazard analyses should be
combined to satisfy all program requirements whenever possible.
MOC If the PrHA identifies an issue that leads to a change in procedures, drawings, or design, the
change must be submitted through the facility's MOC systems. If the PrHA identifies an issue that
falls outside the safety envelope for a facility, that issue should be treated as a potential unreviewed
safety question as described in DOE 5480.21, UNREVIEWED SAFETY QUESTIONS.
Documentation Requirements
Written PrHAs, updates and revalidations, and documentation of resolutions to recommendations
must be kept for the life of a process and reviewed every five years. The PrHA may be a stand-alone
document or an attachment used in conjunction with facility safety documentation. A PrHA report
should identify the PrHA team members, the processes analyzed, the PrHA method used, and the
manner in which required PrHA issues were addressed. Other documentation to support the review
depends on the method selected, the covered process, and the particular needs of the facility [Q53].
Minimum Implementation Criteria
This section provides a summary of the minimum implementation criteria for the PrHA element.
DOE-HDBK-1100-96, Chemical Process Hazards Analysis, addresses the PrHA element of the
PSM Rule in detail.
Schedule PrHAs must be completed by risk-priority, based on a relative ranking of the risks of the
covered processes [Q54]. This ranking must consider the extent of the process hazards, the number
of potentially affected employees, the age of the process, and the operating history of the process.
The basis for this ranking must be documented [Q55]. DOE contractors with few processes or
simple processes should complete required PrHAs as soon as possible. The PSM Rule established a
schedule for completion of PrHAs: 25% by May 26, 1994, and 25% additional each succeeding
year, with all PrHAs completed by May 26, 1997 [Q56]. Because PrHAs must be "conducted as
soon as possible" but no later that this established schedule, DOE contractors should be prepared to
demonstrate that PrHAs could not be completed earlier than the percentage completion dates.
PrHAs must be reviewed and updated at least every 5 years and retained for the life of the process
[Q57,Q59]. PrHAs completed after May 26, 1987, which met the requirements of the PSM Rule,
were accepted as initial analyses, with review and update scedule based on their completion dates
Team PrHAs must be performed by a team having the following mandatory qualifications.
At least one individual with expertise in engineering and process operations.
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