| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1101-96
Documentation Requirements
Written permits are required for all hot work activities at covered processes. Permits must be kept
on file until the work is completed. A sample hot work permit is provided at the end of this section
in Exhibit 2.9.
Minimum Implementation Criteria
Management must:
establish areas and procedures for safe welding and cutting based on fire potential;
designate the individual responsible for authorizing cutting and welding in process areas;
ensure that welders, cutters, and their supervisor(s) are trained in the safe operation of their
equipment; and
advise subcontractors about the hot work permitting program.
If combustibles are present, supervisors must ensure they are protected from ignition prior to
welding or cutting by moving them, shielding them, or scheduling welding around their production.
They must also secure authorization, prior to welding, from the designated responsible individual.
Hot work permits must:
include the date authorized for hot work;
include the object on which the hot work is to be performed;
identify openings, cracks, and holes where sparks may drop to combustible materials below;
describe fire extinguishers required to handle fires that are of incipient type;
assign fire watchers for locations where more than a minor fire could potentially develop;
describe precautions associated with combustible materials on floors, walls, partitions,
ceilings, or roofs of combustible construction;
prohibit welding or cutting in unauthorized areas, in buildings with sprinkler systems while
such protection is impaired, in explosive atmospheres, and in storage areas for large quanti-
ties of readily ignitable materials;
require relocation of combustibles where practicable and cover with flameproofed covers
where not practicable;
identify for shutdown any ducts or conveyors systems that may convey sparks to distant
What is the definition of near a covered process?
The area around each covered process should be examined to determine whether a fire in
adjacent areas could reasonably propagate to the covered process and should therefore be
subject to this PSM requirement.
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