| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
first impression of the interview and interviewer is often a lasting
impression. Therefore, the first moments are critical to the overall
success of the interview. Explain who you are, why the interview is
being conducted, and the intent of the interview. Ensure that the
environmental conditions are appropriate to the interview. To help the
interviewee relax, start the interview by making "small-talk" and getting
to know the interviewee. This will enhance the interviewee's willingness
to provide needed information. Asking difficult and controversial
questions at the beginning of the interview can make the interviewee
apprehensive and reluctant to provide needed information.
Step 3: Conduct the interview. Allow and encourage interviewees to do most of
the talking during the main part of the interview. During this time the
interviewer should guide the interview to keep it on track. Each question
asked should seek information that is focused on the purpose of the
interview. These questions will be your prepared questions and any
follow-up questions you need for clarification. Active listening is very
important during interviews. The interviewer should clearly understand
what is being said and meant by the interviewee. The interviewer
should not try to remember what is said during the interview. The
interviewee's responses to questions should be documented.
Step 4: Conclude the interview. The manner in which the interview is concluded
will change for each interview since it depends on what happens during
the interview. However, there are several items to be considered when
concluding an interview. They are 1) give the interviewee time to ask
questions, 2) summarize what has been said during the interview, 3)
explain how the information will be used in the needs analysis process,
4) inform the interviewee that additional data may be needed at a later
date and ask if it's okay for you to return for a few follow-up questions,
and 5) thank the interviewee for participating in the interview.
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