| DOE-HDBK-1103-96
both facilitators must be intimately familiar with the entire TTNA process and not
just the sections each facilitator instructs.
After teaching the lessons, the facilitators will begin conducting the actual TTNA
process. Depending on what problem is being assessed, different techniques
will be used. Appendix B provides examples of how each TTNA step should be
conducted for a given problem. Therefore, the facilitators should study the
applicable Appendix B worksheet to formulate an idea of how to go about
conducting TTNA for each particular situation. The facilitators determine which
techniques will be used for each step and whether the steps can effectively be
EH-31 can be contacted to obtain lesson plans, the supporting overheads,
and the particioant manual to supplement the material in this handbook.
Refer to the address listed in the FOREWORD.
Review Available Information. Twenty to thirty days prior to the seminar, the
coordinator sends planning information and information relating to the problem
being assessed in the TTNA process (information requested from the coordinator
when talking about the scope). The
facilitators use the information in two ways.
Obtain from coordinator:
First, to become familiar with the problem
Needs Analysis Worksheet
and form an idea of the types of expecteds,
causes, and solutions that might arise during
TTNA Planning Sheet
the TTNA and second, to build problem-
Problem-related information.
related examples into the training sessions.
Confirm Details with Coordinator. Five to ten
days prior to the seminar, the facilitator
confirms with the coordinator responsibility for gathering and taking all supplies to
the seminar. The facilitator usually brings the supplies and instructional
materials. The coordinator is usually responsible for having equipment and other
supplies available in the meeting room.
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