| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Radiological Contamination Control Training
for Laboratory Research
Student's Guide
tagged to alert personnel of the contaminated status, and have appropriate administrative procedures
established and exercised to maintain control of these items.
Covering of Contaminated Surfaces
Radioactivity on equipment should not be covered by paint, plating, or other covering material
unless contamination levels, as determined by a survey and documented, are below the
"Removable" Criteria of Table 1 of DOE Order 5400.5 (see below). A reasonable effort must be
made to minimize the contamination prior to use of any covering.
If it is likely that contamination exists under a painted surface, it may be necessary to remove some
of the painted surface to measure contamination levels below. Use a paint remover to collect paint
samples from areas of approximately 200 cm2 . Measure alpha and/or beta-gamma levels beneath
paint. Check with Radiological Control personnel prior to using any paint remover to eliminate the
generation of mixed waste.
Where potentially contaminated surfaces are not accessible for measurement, the equipment may be
released after case-by-case evaluation and documentation based on both the history of its use and
available measurements demonstrate that the unsurveyable surfaces are likely to be within the
release criteria.
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