| DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Radiological Contamination Control Training
for Laboratory Research
Instructor's Guide
Instructor's Notes
Note: EPA carcinogen
5. Provide as much physical separation as possible between
designations are as
EPA-A Human
6. Biohazards should be properly labeled and may be stored as
Carcinogen: sufficient
one group.
evidence from
epidemiologic studies to
7. Class B and C carcinogens should be properly labeled and
support a casual
stored with their chemical family.
association between
exposure and cancer.
8. Store Class A carcinogens in the glovebox or another
EPA-B Probable Human
regulated area.
Carcinogen: weight of
evidence of human
carcinogenicity based on
epidemiologic studies is
limited; agents for which
weight of evidence of
carcinogenicity based on
animal studies is
sufficient. Two
subgroups: B1: Limited
evidence of
carcinogenicity from
epidemiologic studies;
B2: Sufficient evidence
from animal studies;
inadequate evidence or no
data from epidemiologic
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