| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1106-97
GLOSSARY (continued)
MeV: A unit of energy. The energy acquired by an electron accelerated through a potential difference of
one million volts.
Micro-: A prefix that divides a basic unit into one million parts. Often used with activity such as
Milli-: A prefix that divides a basic unit by 1,000. Often used with dose and activity such as millirem or
Million Electron Volts (MeV): Energy equal to that acquired by a particle with one electronic charge in
passing through a potential difference of one million volts.
Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA): The lowest amount of any specific radiation that can be detected
with a particular level of statistical significance above background levels.
Nano-: A prefix that divides a basic unit by one billion. Often used in measurements of activity such as
Nuclide: A species of atom having a specified number of neutrons and protons in its nucleus.
Personnel Monitoring: Monitoring any part of individuals, their breaths, or excretions, or any part of their
clothing to determine the amount of radioactivity present in or on an individual.
Pico-: A prefix that divides a basic unit by one trillion. Often used in measurements of activity such as
Proportional Counter: An instrument in which an electronic detection system receives pulses that are
proportional to the number of ions formed in a gas-filled tube by ionizing radiation.
Prospective Monitoring: Routine workplace and personnel monitoring for possible intakes or radioactive
materials. Prospective monitoring will typically include air monitoring, surface contamination surveys,
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