| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
Reference: 10 CFR 835.2(a)
High Contamination Area
(This definition may change in
an amendment to 10 CFR 835.
Any area where contamination levels are greater
Make appropriate revisions at
than 100 times the values listed in Appendix D
that time).
of 10 CFR 835.
The posting/sign will indicate:
Required for Entry."
Airborne Radioactivity Area
Any area where the measured concentration of
airborne radioactivity, above natural
background, exceeds or is likely to exceed 10
percent of the derived air concentration (DAC)
values listed in Appendix A or Appendix C of
10 CFR 835.
Reference: 10 CFR 835.2(a)
The posting/sign will indicate:
and 835.603(d)
A DAC is the radionuclide airborne
concentration. Breathing an air concentration of
1 DAC for 1 working year (2,000 hours) will
result in committed dose equivalent equal to an
annual limit, i.e., 5 rem whole-body or 50 rem to
any organ or tissue.
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