| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1106-97
Radiological Contamination Control Training
for Laboratory Research
Student's Guide
Methods of Minimizing Cross Contamination
Cross contamination may cause the radioactive materials used in one experiment to turn up
unexpectedly in the results of another. Since some experiments utilize only minute amounts of
radinuclides while others use large amounts, it is easy to visualize the confusion when large
amounts of unknown radionuclides appear suddenly in a low-level experiment.
Cross contamination can result from mishandling; contaminated protective clothing; contaminated
cages, food, and water supplies; and airborne materials being transferred from cage to cage.
Contaminated cages should be allowed to decay where possible, and then be thoroughly washed.
Following washing, they must be surveyed before re-use.
Room Contamination Problems
These problems can best be avoided by maintaining radioactive animals in a separate room and
maintaining high standards of housekeeping in the room. Feces, cage linings, and urine should be
stored in the appropriate containers. These items should not be allowed to accumulate.
In case any of the above-mentioned items are spilled, they should be cleaned up immediately,
utilizing absorbent, disposable materials. All materials used in cleaning up a spill should be placed
in the appropriate containers to preclude the possibility of further contamination spread. It is
essential that spills be cleaned up without delay.
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