| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1108-97
Radiological Training for Accelerator Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
It may be desirable to dispose of water before the
Discuss facility-specific limits,
tritium concentration becomes too high. Some
as applicable.
possibilities for disposal are:
Sanitary sewer: Disposal through the sanitary
sewer. This may be regulated by several
agencies, such as DOE, NRC, EPA, and State
and local water pollution control boards.
Their regulations will set concentration limits
and, perhaps, annual limits.
Evaporation: The water can be evaporated in
engineered evaporation systems.
Solidification: The water can be used to
make concrete for solidification of other
liquid wastes.
Decay: Water from a small-volume, high
concentration system could be transferred to
a large-volume, low concentration system
where it can decay safely.
Ion exchange resins and filters: These are
Insert facility-specific
used to remove impurities from recirculating
radionuclides of concern.
cooling water systems and can accumulate
radionuclides such as Be-7, Na-22, Mn-54,
and Co-60.
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