| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1108-97
Radiological Training for Accelerator Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
EO-08 IDENTIFY activation
sources at site.
Facility should cover items that routinely
become activated due to accelerator operation.
Materials and activities that could create
contamination concerns.
a. Surface coating: such as paint, oxidation,
Cover each source as applicable
and rust may present a contamination
to the facility.
problem. Such coatings may be easily
removable and may be present in areas not
commonly accessed, such as beam dump
b. Compounds: such as grease, sealants,
gaskets, and anti-seize coatings may be
activated depending on their composition.
During maintenance, these compounds
should be chosen carefully to minimize the
production of contamination if possible.
These materials may not be accessible until
after components are disassembled;
therefore, the need for carefully planned
maintenance activities involving such
compounds should be highlighted.
c. Impurities: Impurities in cooling water
systems can be a source of contamination.
This source may be found in a filter/resin
media system.
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