| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1108-97
Radiological Training for Accelerator Facilities
Student's Guide
GLOSSARY (continued)
Spectra: A visual display, a photographical record, or a plot of the distribution of the intensity of
radiation at a given kind as a function of its wavelength, energy, frequency, momentum, mass, or any
related quantity.
Spallation: A term used to denote a nuclear reaction induced by high-energy bombardment and involves
the ejection of two or more particles.
Superconductivity: The ability of some materials to carry an electric current with no power loss, owing to
the complete absence of electrical resistance. To date, superconductivity has been found only in a few
metals and alloys and at very low temperatures.
Synchrotron: An accelerator in which the energy of charged particles is increased as they travel around a
circular orbit of fixed radius.
Useful Beam: Radiation that passes through the window, aperture, cone, or other collimating device of
the source housing. Sometimes called primary beam.
Volt: The term potential difference symbolized by V is defined as the work per unit charge done in
moving a charge from one point to the other.
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