| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1108-97
Radiological Training for Accelerator Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Terminal Objectives:
At the end of this course, the participant should be able to demonstrate a basic
understanding of the characteristics of accelerators and the radiological
precautions for working at an accelerator facility.
Enabling Objectives:
EO-01 IDENTIFY uses for accelerators.
EO-02 STATE the type(s) of accelerators at the facility.
EO-03 STATE type(s) of particles accelerated.
EO-04 DEFINE prompt radiation.
EO-05 DISCUSS the biological effects of radiation characteristic of
EO-06 IDENTIFY prompt radiation sources at the facility.
EO-07 DEFINE radioactivation.
EO-08 IDENTIFY activation sources at the facility.
EO-09 IDENTIFY ancillary sources at the facility.
EO-10 IDENTIFY activation products.
EO-11 IDENTIFY engineered and administrative controls at accelerator
facilities and personnel protective equipment.
EO-12 DESCRIBE each access mode at the facility and access to beam and
beam containment including interlocks and warning devices and
EO-13 DISCUSS site configuration control program.
EO-14 DISCUSS special radiological surveys and techniques.
EO-15 STATE purpose of initial entry survey.
EO-16 DISCUSS special instruments and measurement techniques.
EO-17 STATE site requirements for removing material from beam
EO-18 IDENTIFY methods to minimize radioactive waste at the facility.
EO-19 IDENTIFY facility alarms and responses to abnormal conditions.
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