| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1108-97
Radiological Training for Accelerator Facilities
Instructor's Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor's Notes
The acceleration of the electron by this
electrical force also increases the energy of the
Electron volt
The amount of acceleration is determined by
the potential difference measured in volts (V)
in this electrical field.
One electron volt (eV) is the energy gained by
an electron accelerated through an electric
potential of one volt.
An electron accelerated across a gap by means
of a 10,000 volt, or 10 kilovolt (kV), potential
difference is said to have gained 10,000
electron volts (10 keV) of energy after
crossing the gap.
Van de Graaff Generator
One of the first machines to produce laboratory-
accelerated particles was the Van de Graaff generator.
The Van de Graaff consists of a polished metal
sphere and a moveable belt. The function of
the belt is to carry an electrical charge up to the
sphere where it is stored. This process can be
continued until a very high potential is
developed in the sphere.
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