| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1109-97
Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices
Student's Guide
GLOSSARY (continued)
Use factor: The fraction of the workload during which the useful beam is pointed in the direction under
Useful beam: The part of the primary and secondary radiation that passes through the aperture, cone, or
other device used for collimation.
Very High Radiation Area: Any area accessible to individuals in which radiation levels could result in
an individual receiving an absorbed dose in excess of 500 rads (5 grays) in 1 hour at 1 meter from a
radiation source or from any surface that the radiation penetrates (10 CFR 835.2(a)).
Warning label: A label affixed to the X-ray device that provides precautions and special conditions of
Workload: A measure, in suitable units, of the amount of use of radiation equipment. For the purpose of
this standard, the workload is expressed in milliampere-minutes per week for X-ray sources and in
roentgens per week at 1 meter from the source for gamma-ray sources and high-energy equipment (such as
linear accelerators, betatrons, etc.).
X-ray accessory apparatus: Any portion of an X-ray installation that is external to the radiation source
housing and into which an X-ray beam is directed for making X-ray measurements or for other uses.
X-Ray Device Control Office: A team that establishes X-ray device program requirements and standards,
provides X-ray device radiation protection consultation, and serves as the central point of contact for the
management/control of X-ray devices. This function may have a facility-specific name.
X-ray device custodian: A person designated by line management as responsible for specific X-ray
devices. This individual is responsible for designating the operators of specific X-ray devices, arranging
for the operators to attend X-ray safety training, assisting in the development and maintenance of the X-ray
device SOP, familiarizing operators with the X-ray device SOP, maintaining records of operator training
and safety interlock checks, serving as the point of contact for the line organization's X-ray devices, and
coordinating surveys with the X-Ray Device Control Office. An X-ray device custodian may also be an
X-ray device operator.
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