| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1109-97
Radiological Safety Training for Radiation-Producing (X-Ray) Devices
Instructor=s Guide
Lesson Plan
Instructor=s Notes
Objective 6
To control exposure to radiation, as well as maintain
10 CFR 835.501-502
exposure ALARA, access to radiological areas is
10 CFR 835.601-603
restricted by a combination of administrative and
10 CFR 835.1001-1003
engineering controls.
Examples of administrative controls include:
Warning signals and labels.
Work control documents such as SOPs and RWPs.
Examples of engineered controls include:
For high-radiation areas where radiation levels exist
10 CFR 835.502
such that an individual could exceed a deep dose
equivalent of 1 rem in any 1 hour at 30 cm from the
source or surface that the radiation penetrates, one or
more of the following features shall be used to control
A control device that prevents entry.
A device that prevents use of the radiation source
while personnel are present.
A device that energizes a visible and audible alarm.
Locked entry ways.
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