| ![]() DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 104 - Internal Dose Control
values is due to the relative health risk from exposure to uranium contamination
compared with these other nuclides.
Release of materials with the potential for uranium contamination shall only be
performed by personnel who are trained and authorized to do so. The site
radiological control organization is responsible for designating and training these
Bioassay Monitoring
Bioassay monito ring, or measuri ng the amount of ra dioactivity i nside the bod y,
can also be a way of determining if there has been a loss of control of uranium
contamination. For example, if a person who works in an area with a relatively
low airborne radioactivity concentration and shows an intake consistent with a
higher airborne radioactivity concentration, there may have been a previously
undetected loss of airborne contamination control. Routine bioassay monitoring
will assist in making these determinations.
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