| DOE-HDBK-1113-98
Radiological Safety Traning for Uranium Facilities
Module 104 - Internal Dose Control
limit internal exposure by minimizing the ingestion, inhalation, absorption, and
inject ion of ur anium;
limit external dose from uranium and its radioactive decay products; and
prevent the spread of radioactive materials into uncontrolled areas.
Contamination Control Methods
Because uranium is relatively less hazardous than some other radioactive materials, such
as plutonium, some people can develop an overly relaxed attitude to uranium; in effect
saying, "It's only uranium." Care must be taken to avoid this attitude, and to control
uranium contamination in compliance with regulations, policies, and procedures.
Uranium contami nation can be effectively c ontrolled b y:
an evaluation of activities likely to generate or spread contamination,
use of containment devices to confine contamination as close to the source as possible,
control and monitoring of airborne contamination as it is generated,
minimizing the size and number of con taminated are as by using effec tive
decontamination methods,
control of movement of equipment and personnel into and out of contaminated areas,
use of personal protective equipment, and
effective co ntamination mon itoring.
Evaluation of Work Activities
Work activiti es that involve the destruct ion of surfac es, such as grin ding,
machining, filing, or cutting, can easily create and spread contamination.
Operations such as welding, burning, heating, etc. can alter the physical and/or
chemical state of uranium compounds that are on the surfaces of equipment.
Work activiti es such as the se should be eva luated and st eps taken to mini mize
the spread of surface contamination, personnel contamination, and airborne
contamination. If possible, alternative methods for completing the task should
be considered.
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